This past year was an exciting time for Conscious Capitalism of Central Maryland. Our community grew in attendance thanks to the virtual and in-person events we were able to host once again. We certainly have settled into this “new normal” of a C3MD hybrid events schedule. For me personally, it has …
C3MD Guest Post: Clean and Green, How Multicorp is Striving for Sustainability
C3MD hosted a Conscious Coffee event at the Howard County Conservancy last month centered around “Greening Your Business.” Members gathered at the historic location to learn about running an environmentally conscious business and shared steps their businesses have taken to be more green. C3MD …
Greening Your Business: August’s In-Person Conscious Coffee +
C3MD attendees were offered an optional tour of the beautiful Howard County Conservancy grounds following the event. C3MD gathered for an in-person Conscious Coffee event last week, “Greening Your Business” at the Howard County Conservancy. Declan Murphy, a member of the Chesapeake Conservation …